MER Engineering started its business life in 2016 with its core team that has taken part in various duties and projects in the sector in order to provide engineering services to the environmental sector. Our company aims to produce innovative solutions in the field by blending the knowledge, knowledge and experience gained in the sector with its young and dynamic staff.
MER Engineering produces result-oriented solutions for the management of water and wastewater. We provide services on the selection of economical and appropriate treatment systems for the enterprise and turnkey project design by performing the necessary laboratory analysis of the water samples to be treated.
It is one of our main objectives to keep the operating costs and breakdown costs of the system at the lowest level during the project design and to minimize the operational personnel need of the installed systems. Even if the treatment systems are chosen correctly, some problems are encountered in its operation and as a result of proper operation of the process, many economic and environmental problems arise. For this reason, a treatment plant that is not properly designed or operated properly is no different from scrap. Therefore, as MER Mühendislik, we treat the treatment process as a whole from the beginning to the end and aim to establish lean systems that are easy to operate.
We provide services in the operation of MER Engineering systems, operational consultancy, responsible engineering, treatment system revision and maintenance, meeting equipment and consumable needs, and water and wastewater analysis.
We continue to be your solution partner as MER Engineering after the installation of treatment systems.
Some of our goals in terms of quality as MER Engineering with the responsibility we have given to become a world brand in water, wastewater and process water treatment are;
To ensure that the quality standards of all our products carrying our brand are carried out in line with the requirements of the quality management system, starting from the procurement phase to reaching the final consumer.
To create a long-term and lasting relationship with all our customers who meet our brand and who are users, with the quality service we provide after sales and after sales.
To achieve maximum customer satisfaction by ensuring that our internal and external customers are proud of the strength and quality of our brand.
To continuously increase the awareness and quality of our brand by supporting innovative and creative ideas.
To manage and continuously improve all our processes with the awareness of the learning organization and the participation of our employees.
We see education and training as our primary responsibility for social development.
To ensure that our high standard goals we set by using up-to-date technologies in all our processes and practices and by constantly improving our employees are achieved at the most appropriate time, cost and quality.
In our investments and activities, while aiming to provide social benefit by acting in accordance with the requirements of the Social Responsibility principle while realizing the gains of all our stakeholders at the highest level.
Some of our targets in terms of environment and energy are as follows:
• T.C. which we are responsible for and which is in force. and to comply with the International Environment / Energy Legislation and other requirements,
• To prevent pollution at its source by constantly controlling the environmental effects,
• To use energy and natural resources efficiently,
• To follow the technological developments and evaluate alternative energy sources that will minimize negative environmental impacts,
• Providing the necessary information and resources in order to reach the goals and targets by considering the environmental / energy factors in new investments,
• To share the results of environmental and energy improvements with customers, sub-industries, employees, society and to expand systems,
• To continuously improve the environmental management system and energy performance,
• Raising awareness of employees on energy efficiency and environment,
• To review the Documented Environment / Energy Management System in certain periods with its targets.
Some of our goals in terms of occupational health and safety as MER Engineering, with the responsibility given to our aim to be a world brand in water, wastewater and process water treatment;
• To analyze and minimize the health and safety risks that may arise in the working environment.
• Organizing training activities to create and develop Occupational Health and Safety awareness
• Adopting zero work accident and zero occupational disease target,
• To increase our efficiency by taking necessary measures.
For these reasons, we work with all our strength to be an exemplary organization in terms of occupational health and safety in the industry by managing our activities in an integrated manner with Quality and Environmental Management Systems.
1987 İstanbul doğumlu, 2010 yılında Süleyman Demirel üniversitesinin çevre mühendisliği bölümünden mezun olmuştur farklı firmalar yurt dışı ve yurt içi organizasyonlarını yönetmiştir. Irak ,Pakistan, Bulgaristan Rusya gibi çeşitli ülkelerde arıtma tesisi kurulumunu yönetmiştir.
Çevre Yüksek Mühendisi
Çevre Mühendisi